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The complexity of payroll taxes is fueled by the multiple levels of governmental influences with acronyms like IRS, OASDI, MCare, FUTA, and SUTA and payment schedules based on total payroll wage limits. Just mentioning a few of the other guidelines like reciprocal agreements, subdivision, school, disability, training or working taxes, can churn up anxiety levels greater than having to take the SATs again.

To compensate for these regulations, look for a payroll service bureau who will become your Reporting Agent (RA) with the IRS. This defined relationship allows the service bureau to electronically file and pay withholding taxes and sign the tax documents. Impounding the taxes with each payroll, allows easier budgeting with “pay as you go” sensibility. Tax Pay and File services cover all federal, state and local withholding tax as well as federal and state unemployment.

Because Kemper 1st Choice Payroll offers nationwide coverage for payroll, we have a large body of knowledge on how to handle complex payroll issues surrounding multiple state reporting. Ultimately our tax specialists take the time to research and understand each states reporting requirements as it relates to your industry and business situation and explain the resolution for these intricate state regulations to you with language a novice can understand.

For more information, visit our website:
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