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Is Your Power Of Attorney For Property Powerful Enough?
Your estate plan may include a power of attorney for property that appoints another person to manage your investments, pay your bills, file your tax returns and otherwise handle your property if you’re unable to do so. But not all powers of attorney are created equal. Thus, it’s a good idea to periodically review your power of attorney with your advisor to ensure that it continues to serve its intended purpose. Questions to consider can include:
Tax Depreciation Rules For Business Automobiles
If you use an automobile in your trade or business, you may wonder how depreciation tax deductions are determined. The rules are complicated, and special limitations that apply to vehicles classified as passenger autos (which include many pickups and SUVs) can result in it taking longer than expected to fully depreciate a vehicle.
3 Essential Estate Planning Strategies Not To Be Ignored
With most tax planning, there are certain strategies that are generally effective and shouldn’t be ignored. The same holds true for estate planning. Here are three essential estate planning strategies to consider that may help you achieve your goals.
Business Deductions
Taxpayers who engage in businesses to make a profit can generally deduct related expenses on their tax returns. In one case, a retired taxpayer pursued new ventures including acting. She devoted 35-45 hours weekly to acting, sought help from professionals and operated in a businesslike manner. The IRS denied her deductions...
Claiming A Theft Loss Deduction If Your Business Is The Victim Of Embezzlement
A business may be able to claim a federal income tax deduction for a theft loss. But does embezzlement count as theft? In most cases it does but you’ll have to substantiate the loss. A recent U.S. Tax Court decision illustrates how that’s sometimes difficult to do.
3 Ways Fraud Experts Use Data Analytics
Forensic accountants have long used technological tools to uncover fraud schemes. But recent advances in “big data” have provided even better, more efficient techniques for identifying suspicious activities and dishonest employees. These are three common types of data analytics used by fraud experts:
Financial Reporting Issues To Consider In “Going Private” Transactions
In the midst of mounting inflation, supply shortages, geopolitical turmoil, threats of cyberattacks and continuing COVID-19 concerns, public stock prices are expected to fluctuate in the coming months. Now might be a good time to consider getting off the rollercoaster by taking your company out of the public eye.
Want To Find Out What IRS Auditors Know About Your Business Industry?
In order to prepare for a business audit, an IRS examiner generally does research about the specific industry and issues on the taxpayer’s return. Examiners may use IRS “Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs).” A little-known secret is that these guides are available to the public on the IRS website.
941 Refund or Notice
Several employers have received refund checks or IRS notices regarding their 941. This could potentially be a mistake the IRS has made. On the check above the routing number, it will reference F-941 and the payroll quarter. We will be happy to assist in correcting this issue.
A Tenancy-In-Common Interest Can Ease Distribution Of Real Estate
If your estate includes significant real estate investments, the manner in which you own these assets can have a dramatic effect on your estate plan. One versatile estate planning option to consider is tenancy-in-common (TIC) ownership.
Private companies: Are You On Track To Meet The 2022 Deadline For The Updated Lease Standard?
Updated accounting rules for long-term leases took effect in 2019 for public companies. Now private companies and private not-for-profit entities must follow suit, starting in fiscal year 2022. The updated guidance requires these organizations to report — for the first time — the full magnitude of their long-term lease obligations on the balance sheet. Here are the details.
Put Some Muscle Behind Your Nonprofit’s Capacity-Building Effort
Economic instability caused by the pandemic may have your nonprofit scrambling to find funding. But just as important is making internal adjustments that build your nonprofit’s capacity to fulfill its long-term mission. However, you may want to tweak the standard capacity-building process.

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