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Build Flexibility Into Your Estate Plan with Powers of Appointment
There are several tools you can use to build flexibility into your estate plan. Flexibility is especially important now because of an uncertain estate planning environment.
Independent Assurance Inspires Confidence in Sustainability Reports
Sustainability reports explain the impact of an organization’s activities on the economy, environment and society. During the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, stakeholders continue to expect robust, transparent sustainability reports, with a stronger emphasis on the social and economic impacts of the company’s current operations than on environmental matters.
Do you have tax questions related to COVID-19? Here are some answers
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected many Americans’ finances. Here are some answers to questions you may have right now.
5 Ways to Protect Remote Workers — and Your Business — from Cyberattacks
Many businesses were unprepared when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic required them to close their physical offices and shift to remote operations. Your company, for example, may have had to scramble to set up a virtual private network (VPN) or move files to the cloud. And while adapting to working from home, employees may have
The Rules Have Changed Regarding Your IRAs, RMDs and Estate Plan
Many people’s estates typically include IRAs. Be aware that two major laws passed into law recently, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, have had a direct effect on IRAs.
Benchmarking: Why Normalizing Adjustments Are Essential
Financial statements aren’t particularly meaningful without a relevant basis of comparison. There are two types of “benchmarks” that a company’s financials can be compared to — its own historical performance and the performance of other comparable businesses.
The CARES Act Liberalizes Net Operating Losses
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act eliminates some of the tax-revenue-generating provisions included in a previous tax law. Here’s a look at how the rules for claiming certain tax losses have been modified to provide businesses with relief from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Lease or Buy? Changes to Accounting Rules May Change Your Mind
The rules for reporting leasing transactions are changing. In some cases, you might decide to modify lease terms to avoid having to report leasing liabilities on your balance sheet. Or you might opt to buy (rather than lease) property to sidestep being subject to the complex disclosure requirements.
Donor Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
One of the many challenges of operating a not-for-profit organization during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is that just when you desperately need financial support, many donors are unable to help. Widespread unemployment, stock market volatility and general uncertainty make even dependable donors reluctant to part with their money.
Indiana Business Personal Property Tax Return Extension
Indiana Governor Holcomb announced yesterday that the due dates for Indiana business personal property tax returns will be extended from May 15th to June 15th statewide. The full Executive Order is attached, and Item #1 addresses the PPT returns.
How COVID-19 Poses New Fraud Threats to Vulnerable Businesses
Scam artists know how anxious business owners are during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The last thing your business needs right now is to suffer additional financial losses. So keep an eye out for the following scams:
Adjusting Your Financial Statements for COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020, contains several tax-related provisions for businesses hit by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Those provisions will also have an impact on financial reporting.

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