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Don’t Mistake Kickbacks for Gifts
Kickbacks sometimes look like legitimate business gifts. But there’s a critical difference. What is it? And how can you help ensure that employees don’t compromise your company by accepting kickbacks?
Employers: Be Aware (or Beware) of a Harsh Payroll Tax Penalty
If payroll taxes withheld from employees’ paychecks aren’t remitted to the federal government, a severe tax penalty can be personally imposed on “responsible” individuals.
You Have Options when Addressing Life Insurance in Your Estate plan
What factors should figure into your decision on who should own your life insurance policy?
AUP Engagements: A Middle Ground Between Audits and Consulting Services
Have you ever heard of an agreed upon procedures (AUP) engagement? This lesser-known attestation service could be a flexible, cost-effective and objective way to meet the needs of your business and its stakeholders. Learn more.
Hiring This Summer? You May Qualify for a Valuable Tax Credit
New hires from certain disadvantaged “targeted” groups may qualify your business for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Here’s an overview of this potentially valuable tax break, including how it’s calculated.
Now or Later? When to Report Subsequent Events
Beware: Floods, fires, mergers and other major events that happen after the end of the accounting period may have to be reported or disclosed in your company’s financial statements.
SALT Update - Notice and Report Laws
Before the new economic nexus threshold was affirmed in South Dakota v. Wayfair, states were looking for ways to get around the nexus restrictions of Quill v. North Dakota. Federal nexus restrictions prevented them from directly applying sales tax to out-of-state companies, but they could apply other reporting requirements and push use taxes. That is where we get “notice and report” laws.
Put a QOE Report to Work for You
Are you buying or selling a business? If so, a quality of earnings (QOE) report can help identify potential problems and value-adding opportunities, as well as expedite the M&A due diligence process. Here’s how.
Dissecting the Role of the Forensic Accountant in Litigation
What exactly do forensic accountants do? We help cut fraud losses, preserve confidentiality and admissibility of evidence, and possibly reduce litigation costs. Here’s how.
College Financing May Be an Integral Part of Your Estate Plan
Don’t miss a valuable opportunity to make direct payments of your grandchild’s tuition. This strategy can reduce potential gift and estate tax exposure.
How Entrepreneurs Must Treat Expenses on Their Tax Returns
Starting a new business can be a hectic, exciting and expensive time. Be aware that not all start-up expenses can be deducted on your tax return right away. Some may have to be amortized over time.

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