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Slam the Door on Home Energy Scams
Although many sales pitches from alternative energy suppliers are legitimate, watch out for door-to-door scam artists. What should you do, and not do, if you suspect that a fraudster’s knocking?
Depreciation-related Breaks on Business Real Estate: What You Need to Know when You File Your 2018 Return
Enhanced depreciation-related tax breaks for certain business real estate investments, such as qualified improvement property, may offer substantial savings when you file your 2018 tax return. Learn more.
Investment Interest Expense is Still Deductible, but That Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You’ll Benefit
Can the investment interest expense deduction save you tax on your 2018 return? You generally must pass three hurdles to benefit.
Is Your Nonprofit Ready for a Raffle?
Will your nonprofit’s raffle trigger unrelated business income tax? Do you know when to report raffle income to the IRS and when to withhold tax from winnings? Find out.
An ESOP Can Benefit a Business Owner’s Retirement and Estate Plans
Closely held business owners understand that a lack of liquidity can hamper their retirement and estate plans. An employee stock ownership plan may be the solution.
DOL Increases Penalties for Many Labor Law Violations
Every employer should take steps to manage its compliance risks. Recent changes to civil penalties for many violations of federal labor laws make this even more important.
Financial Statements Tell Your Business’s Story, Inside and Out
Is your company generating financial statements with all the information necessary to tell how you’re doing? Here’s what they should contain.
Fundamental Tax Truths for C Corporations
Most C corporations are seeing a significant tax cut under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But there are still certain tax vulnerabilities for these entities that haven’t changed much.
Why You Shouldn’t Wait to File Your 2018 Income Tax Return
In a tax identity theft scheme, a thief uses your personal information to file a fraudulent tax return electronically early in the tax filing season and claim a bogus refund. Here’s how to protect yourself.
Understanding Deductions for the 2019 Tax Season
David Winters, CPA from our Avon, IN office was featured on WISH-TV last night to discuss some of the new tax changes!
Have You Had Your Annual Estate Plan Checkup?
A new year means new estate planning amounts for exemptions, exclusions and deductions. Here are the key 2019 numbers that may affect your estate plan.
Kemper Security Tips: New Social Engineering Phish Using DocuSign
Please be on the lookout for this dangerous new email that's going around. It's a brilliant new social engineering phishing scam. It will sail through all your spam / malware filters and email protection devices, because it's entirely legit by using the DocuSign infrastructure.

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