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IRS Plans a Late Start to the 1040 Filing Season
The delayed passage of the American Taxpayers Relief Act of 2012 has put the IRS behind schedule.
Highlights of the Fiscal Cliff Legislation
Here are the highlights of the new tax law, the "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."
Use Adjusted Tax Numbers in Your 2013 Planning
The IRS and the Social Security Administration have published some inflation-adjusted numbers for 2013.
Mark These Tax Deadlines on your 2013 Calendar
It's time to file various tax returns once again. Remember these dates.
What's the Latest on Health Care Reform?
A quick update that covers provisions in health care reform that is currently in effect and coming up in 2013.
Most Businesses Need to File Information Returns
Every trade or business must file information returns for each year that certain payments are made.
'Tis the Season for Phishing
With tax season quickly approaching, online scammers find this time of year ideal for phishing.
What Changes If We Go Over the "Fiscal Cliff"?
Here are a few of the changes you'll see effective January 1, 2013, if we go over the "fiscal cliff."
Check Your Tax Situation Before Year-end
December 31, 2012, will be a very important date in the lives of taxpayers. Learn how it could affect you.
Homework for Mom & Dad
Now is the perfect time to consider options for funding your children's college education.
How to Fix Tax Return Errors
Mistakes or omissions on tax returns may be resolved by filing an amended 2011 return.
Attackers, Hackers, & Password Hijackers
This past weekend Mat Honan, tech guru and senior writer for Wired, was victim to a devastating cyber attack

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